# OVHCLI This is a simple **OVH API wrapper** in BASH All API specifications is here : [OVH API](https://eu.api.ovh.com/console/?section=%2FallDom&branch=v1) It use the same configuration file as for the [go-ovh](https://github.com/ovh/go-ovh?tab=readme-ov-file#application-keyapplication-secret) wrapper ## Token creation You need to follow : [createApp](https://www.ovh.com/auth/api/createApp) And add the Application_key,secret_key and consumer_key to the [ovh.conf](/../golang/ovh.conf) ## How to use **Examples** 1. Get all VPS ```bash ./ovhcli get vps [ "vps-3e2da6b4.vps.ovh.net", "vps-556c9180.vps.ovh.net", "vps-59e2e922.vps.ovh.net", "vps-76fdb68a.vps.ovh.net", "vps-89819518.vps.ovh.net", "vps-b280dcff.vps.ovh.net", "vps-f31d3392.vps.ovh.net" ] ``` 2. Get all records for a DNS Zone "linuxforward.com" ```bash ./ovhcli get domain/zone/linuxforward.com/record/ [ 5344790631, 5344790632, 5344790633, 5344790634, 5344790635, 5344790636, 5344790637, [...] 5344790668, 5344790669, 5344790670, 5344790671 ] ``` 3. Get info from a specific DNS Zone record ```bash ./ovhcli get domain/zone/linuxforward.com/record/5344790650 { "fieldType": "A", "id": 5344790650, "subDomain": "demodev", "target": "", "ttl": 0, "zone": "linuxforward.com" } ``` 4. List all details from all VPS ```bash ./ovhcli get vps | jq -r '.[]' | while read vps; do ./ovhcli get vps/${vps} | jq  '[.name, .model.name, .model.version, .model.disk, .model.memory]|@tsv' ; done | column -t vps-3e2da6b4.vps.ovh.net vps-value-1-2-40 2019v1 40 2048 vps-556c9180.vps.ovh.net vps-value-1-2-40 2019v1 40 2048 vps-59e2e922.vps.ovh.net vps-value-1-2-40 2019v1 40 2048 vps-76fdb68a.vps.ovh.net vps-starter-1-2-20 2019v1 20 2048 vps-89819518.vps.ovh.net vps-value-1-2-40 2019v1 40 2048 vps-b280dcff.vps.ovh.net vps-value-1-2-40 2019v1 40 2048 vps-f31d3392.vps.ovh.net vps-starter-1-2-20 2019v1 20 2048 ``` 5. If credentials are revoked ```bash ./ovhcli get vps { "class": "Client::Forbidden", "message": "This credential is not valid", "httpCode": "403 Forbidden", "errorCode": "INVALID_CREDENTIAL" } ```