.gitignore 329 B

  1. # Binaries
  2. *.exe
  3. *.exe~
  4. *.dll
  5. *.so
  6. *.dylib
  7. # Test binary, built with 'go test -c'
  8. *.test
  9. # Output of the go coverage tool
  10. *.out
  11. # Dependency directories
  12. vendor/
  13. # IDE specific files
  14. .idea/
  15. .vscode/
  16. *.swp
  17. *.swo
  18. # Environment variables
  19. .env
  20. .env.local
  21. # Build output
  22. bin/
  23. dist/
  24. # Local test
  25. .trash/
  26. config.yaml
  27. .data/
  28. data/